Failure to follow health guidelines, month of April could fetch more disaster: PHI Union

If the people fail to adhere to strict health guidelines, emergence of another disastrous situation at the end of April cannot be ruled out, Public Health Inspectors' (PHI) Union Head Upul Rohana said.

He said people have now started to behave carelessly and most of them seem to be taking the deadly virus spread very lightly.

"People go on shopping with their whole family. They do not even maintain social distances and even do not wear masks," he said.

If people continue to behave carelessly, there will be no chance of curbing the virus and it will become another disaster towards the end of April.

"Most of the Government and private institutions have scrapped their work from home options and started their normal operations. Most of the staffers do not even wear face masks while at work and do not maintain social distances. 

Calling all staff members into the daily operations could pose a threat to the whole set up, if one bacomes infected," he said.

Therefore, the PHI Union requests the people to be extra cautious and strictly adhere to health guidelines. (Chaturanga Samarawickrama)

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