Suicide bombers were used, radical extremists suspected: Sources

All 6 blasts which occurred early this morning were a result of suicide bombers; initial investigations have revealed. The Daily Mirror learns that investigations thus far have revealed that two people had checked into room number 616 of the Shangri-La Hotel on April 20, 2019.

The close circuit television camera (CCTV) footage revealed that the suspects detonated the bombs in the cafeteria and on the corridor at the hotel.

Investigators suspect that C-4 explosives weighing 25 kilograms were used for the bombings at the Shangria- La Hotel.

The investigators who broke into the room had recovered material used by radical extremists, sources confirmed.

It is unclear if the bombers were locals or international tourists who arrived on tourist visas to the island. Further investigations are being carried out.

Await more details. (Darshana Sanjeewa & Hafeel Farisz)

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