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Two individuals, who were among confirmed positive for Covid 19 arrived in the country from Italy after suppressing the disease by taking Paracetamol, Director General of Health Dr. Anil Jasinghe said.
He said the two persons had driven about 800 km by themselves with fever to get a flight to arrive in Sri Lanka as they could not get into a flight from the Milano City, Italy.
“They had taken Paracetamol tablets and suppressed the fever and arrived in the country without telling anyone,” he said.
“They also protested at the airport and among those 16 in the bus, which was sent to Kandakadu Quarantine Centre. The lives of other people who were taken to the Kandakadu quarantine center are now at risk because of them. But the Army had been kept those 16 separately at the quarantine centre,” he said
There is considerable criticism in society regarding the behavior of these two individuals.