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Would like to give you a different article today – to leave you with Pearls of Wisdom gathered over the years, pics of really great people who demonstrate their greatness through their innate goodness and humility and one of the most important attributes, compassion!!!
All of the above are excellent lessons not just for us but for the world at large!!! The anger of God seems to be coming down on us in spades, the world over; it is time to rethink our values and priorities and our ways of dealing with people and situations!!! To be a better people, to build a better nation!!! We can only hope the election gives us the chance to rebuild!!!
The pictures above depict that power and money do not mean privilege, unlike the majority of our politicians who think they do!!! Sadly, not only they but their kith and kin and even their aides think they too are entitled to it!!! Our politicians have numerous lessons to learn in humility and we can only hope they do but from what we see, it is most unlikely!!!
The pictures below show compassion in its truest form, thinking of and concern for those who are less privileged, funding education, giving free food to the needy, bringing a smile to the face of a child, the selflessness of these acts are priceless, they are genuine and what our country desperately needs today!!! If we can find a handful of our politicians who are genuine and caring, there is still hope for our country!!!