Otara; her success story

By Sherwani Synon

From selling surplus garment items from the boot of her car, to opening up a world renowned clothes store in Sri Lanka, she is all about being innovative and creative. Her runway poses, her novel concepts and her notable charity work only add to her achievements. 

She is none other than Otara Gunawardene; a Biological degree holder turned model, who, as CEO of ODEL, is one of the country’s leading female entrepreneurs.

Daily Mirror online caught up with this dynamic personality to ask her about her success story.

“My interest in modeling began when a friend of mine, who’s a designer, asked me to model for her show. I decided to continue with it after I completed my degree as there was nothing much I could do with a degree in Biology. At the same time my father had also registered a company under my name to encourage me to venture into business and earn a living,” Otara said recalling her first steps.

A small initiative which began 20 years ago from the boot of her car has now expanded to twelve stores located in and around Colombo.

Speaking on the products available at ODEL, Otara said she buys products locally and also imports products from around the world.

“We have different suppliers; we have international brands, in-house brands and our own concepts. Although there are a limited variety of local products offered to us, we showcase them in our stores if we think they need exposure and are marketable,” she added.

Commenting on the concept of selling ODEL branded bottled water, she said initially it was limited to ODEL stores but is now sold at different supermarkets. She added that the initiative is all about the look, the brand, and taking it closer to the people.

When Daily Mirror online inquired about ‘Embark’, she said it was a project close to her heart as she has always been fond of animals. Since its inception, ODEL always contributed profits from a certain clothing range for a cause involving animals, the environment or people. 

“I started Embark three years ago to improve the well-being of all animals, but at the moment we focus mainly on dogs. Stray dogs are an issue in the country and we are trying to reduce the number of stray dogs on the streets, because I don’t think that’s where they belong,” she opined.

Apart from being a leading businesswoman, Otara is also a mother of two boys, aged 16 and 10. When asked how she juggles being a single parent and the CEO of a leading company, she says that she has finally found more balance in handling the two. Explaining further, Otara said there have been periods where she has been more involved in the store, but added that over the last few years she has tried to spend more time with her family.

“I have to make certain sacrifices as I don’t have time for everything. But over the last few years I have tried to spend more time with my family and ensure that I can split my time between my work and my family. I think I have found more balance between the two but there is always room to improve, and I try to work on it every day,” she said.

Speaking about her decision to enlist ODEL at the Colombo Stock Exchange, Otara said she felt it was the next step for the company. She went on to say that everybody wants a piece of ODEL, and so she decided to enlist it at the CSE.  

Apart from the many roles Otara plays, she has also ventured into designing jewellery, and came up with the ‘Otara collection’ marketed by the Colombo Jewellery Stores.

“I don’t think I’ll ever stop dreaming and developing new concepts. I’m planning to look at areas for new stores, improve the current stores and also look into expanding overseas in the near future,” Otara said, elaborating her plans for ODEL.

Starting from humble beginnings Otara Gunawardene has created an empire, yet she continues to dream of new things and her desire to create new things is sure to place her at the forefront of the fashion industry.


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