Three more JMI activists arrested     Follow

Three members of the banned Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) Organisation have been arrested by the Ampara Police today.

Accordingly, Mohidin Bawa Mohamed Ram alias ‘Abu Akran’, Mohamed Riyal Mohammed Sajeed, alias ‘Abu Salman’, and Mohamed Ramsin Rush Dee Ahammed, alias ‘Abu Alwakar’, were arrested following information given by State Intelligence Service (SIS) officers.

They were identified as residents of Polonnaruwa, Mawanella and Warakapola respectively.

Initial investigation revealed that Abu Akran had undergone training with National Thowheed Jamaat (NTJ) leader Zahran Hashim at a Nuwara Eliya camp.

Police said Abu Salman had also been trained at the Nuwara Eliya camp while Abu Alwakar had undergone training at a camp in Hambantota. (DSB)



Video by Wasantha Chandrapala, Isuru

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