The motion brought in to suspend the Standing Orders passed in Parliament with a majority in Parliament a short while ago.
Video by Susantha
Comments - 7
Comments - Motion to suspend Standing Orders passed in Parliament
Shas Wednesday, 14 November 2018 10:29 AM
What does that mean?
rocky Wednesday, 14 November 2018 10:52 AM
Can someone explain, please?
Lakshitha Wednesday, 14 November 2018 10:59 AM
It means that they can't use the washroom today.
publc Wednesday, 14 November 2018 11:09 AM
I fell off my chair. ha ha ha.
Sharon Wednesday, 14 November 2018 11:02 AM
Means, speaker becomes more powerful and he virtually can make any decision without following set procedures.
Doug Wednesday, 14 November 2018 11:13 AM
It means that democracy has been restored in this tiny nation
Khalid Wednesday, 14 November 2018 11:26 AM
"The motion brought in to suspend the Standing Orders passed in Parliament with a majority in Parliament a short while ago"the standing order is the court ruling and not passed in Parliament, and the statement isn't grammatically correct. it doesn't make any sense!
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