• “There’s nothing that brings me greater joy than empowering others to prevent diseases and prioritise their well-being. Having witnessed extreme illness in my life, I am driven by the belief that prevention is better than cure, and by helping people in this way, I feel like I’ve fulfilled my purpose.”

She is a dynamic entrepreneur driven by a diverse range of passions and experiences. With a background in finance, consulting, economics, and computer science, her entrepreneurial journey has been marked by a fusion of expertise and empathy. As the founder of Aabru Art, an African art company, she has already made significant contributions to the art world. However, it is her profound interest in health and wellness that has led her to establish Wellness Curated, a platform dedicated to empowering individuals on their holistic healing journeys. Her journey towards wellness advocacy has been deeply influenced by personal experiences that shaped her worldview and life philosophy. Driven by her expertise and empathy, she channels her entrepreneurial spirit towards bridging the gaps in our understanding of well-being. Through her podcast, which features experts from various health and wellness fields, she aims to provide a platform for knowledge-sharing and to inspire individuals to embrace holistic healing practices. Her ambition is to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals by combining personal insights with expert guidance. With her multifaceted background and her unwavering commitment to wellness, she stands at the forefront of the wellness movement, championing comprehensive well-being and empowering individuals to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Her ventures, including Aabru Art and Wellness Curated, serve as platforms to merge art, entrepreneurship, and wellness, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnections between mind, body, and spirit. As she continues to make strides in her entrepreneurial journey, her vision and passion for holistic healing remain steadfast. She is dedicated to creating a positive impact by helping individuals embrace wellness in all its dimensions and empowering them to thrive in today's fast-paced world; Anshu Bahanda


Who is Anshu Bahanda? What experiences in life have shaped her as an individual?
I am an entrepreneur with a passion for art, and a background in finance, consulting, economics, and computer science. I am also the founder of Aabru Art, an African art company. I run a podcast that features experts from different health and wellness fields, with the aim of helping people to embrace holistic healing. Like with everyone, my worldview and life philosophy has been shaped by various influences, but regarding my interest in wellness, it was heightened by my experience of dealing with a medical emergency involving a beloved family member. What we went through as a family profoundly shaped my ideas, exposing me to the mental and physical strain of illness, not just on the person with the condition but also on loved ones and caregivers. This ignited a strong interest in health and wellness. My entrepreneurial journey, thus, combines my expertise and empathy, and it is my ambition to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of well-being. Through my ventures, I aspire to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals, driven by both, personal insights, and expert guidance.


Share with us a summary of your personal journey?

My personal journey in the realm of health and wellness is deeply rooted in a life-altering experience. When we were faced with a medical emergency with my firstborn at the tender age of eighteen months, I was absolutely devastated. The process of caring for my baby at that difficult time opened my eyes to how illnesses take a toll on not only the affected individual but also caregivers. Driven by a determination to confront these challenges head-on, I wholeheartedly embraced an integrative, holistic approach to healing. It was this pursuit that, later, gave rise to Wellness Curated, a platform that impartially presents a wealth of information encompassing both medical and complementary practices. Through interviews featuring esteemed experts, my ultimate objective is to empower individuals to deftly navigate the winding paths of life, armed with the knowledge and tools needed for their own unique healing journeys.

With each interaction, my unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of others flourishes, instilling in people, hope, resilience, and renewed vitality.


Share with us a summary of your professional journey?

With a BA in Economics from St. Stephen's College and an MA in Computer Science from Boston University, I've forged a diverse professional journey. Working with industry giants like Deutsche Bank, Lehman Brothers, and Andersen Consulting, I've honed my skills in finance, consulting, and economics. As the founder of Aabru Art, I merged my entrepreneurial spirit and passion for art to celebrate African heritage. Additionally, I've created Wellness Curated, a supportive community for health and wellness. Bridging disciplines like art, finance, and technology, I strive to empower individuals, foster creativity, and promote holistic well-being. My mission is to make a positive impact through all my ventures.


What inspired you to launch Wellness Curated?

The inspiration behind launching Wellness Curated stems from a deeply personal place within me. My own experiences with optimising the health of my loved ones led me to a comprehensive approach to healing, one that encompasses both medical and complementary therapies. I felt a strong calling to create a platform that would provide support, information, and resources to individuals seeking a holistic path to wellness. Thus, Wellness Curated was born, driven by a desire to help others access expertise that many wouldn’t otherwise be able to.


What is Wellness Curated in a nutshell?

Wellness Curated is a transformative platform that serves as a beacon of support and knowledge in the realm of health and wellness. It is a compassionate community that embraces a holistic approach to healing, combining conventional medicine with complementary therapies. Through podcasts, interviews, and curated resources, Wellness Curated offers a wealth of information from experts across various fields. It aims to empower individuals with the tools and insights needed to navigate their own personal journeys towards well-being. Whether it's finding solace, gaining resilience, or seeking self-discovery, Wellness Curated stands as a guiding light, providing inspiration and resources to enhance overall health and wellness.


Share with us your daily wellness routine?

My daily wellness routine revolves around gratitude, playtime with my four-legged companion Hector, meditation, and a combination of yoga, pranayama, strength training, and conditioning exercises. In addition to weekly therapeutic treatments like massages, acupuncture, cupping, and acupressure, I devote time to dancing one to two times a week to infuse joy into my wellness routine. In regard to nutrition, I start my day with a healthy breakfast consisting of avocado, eggs, and masala tea, along with supplements. Lunch is my main meal, and I make it a point to incorporate greens, while I enjoy Tulsi tea in the afternoon. For dinner, I opt for a light meal. I indulge in dark chocolate daily and view coffee as a treat. Staying hydrated with charged water is important to me. Beyond physical practices, I prioritise mental and emotional well-being through gratitude, positive thinking, kindness, and joy. I make it a point to deeply connect with loved ones every day. Gentle stretching and deep breathing exercises, along with reflection and gratitude, frame my mornings and evenings. Following this holistic routine brings me balance, vitality, and inner harmony, helping me restore my centre when life gets busy.


What are your health and wellness goals?

Like everyone, my goals include maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active through cardio and strength training, managing stress with techniques like meditation, prioritising self-care, adequate sleep, and building social connections for emotional well-being. Additionally, I aim to expand my consciousness as a medium-term goal, as I believe it is essential for personal growth and overall well-being.




Women, often, ignore their own health in their desire to care for everyone around them, but I feel that it is crucial to prioritise these goals to optimise both our mental and physical health, enabling us to care for our loved ones effectively while nurturing ourselves.


How do you strike that perfect work-life balance?

I believe the key to finding work-life balance is setting clear boundaries, prioritising self-care, and effective time management, as I mentioned earlier. It is crucial to establish work hours, delegate tasks when needed, and dedicate time to personal life, engaging in enjoyable activities and nurturing relationships. I am passionate about what I do, and the opportunity to help others energises me greatly. However, I have learned to set a boundary of stopping discussions about health and wellness by 7:00pm and to avoid working all night due to my excitement and enthusiasm. I feel incredibly blessed to have the chance to help people and I feel maintaining work-life balance will help me function at my best, which will then translate into the best information for my listeners.


What is your biggest motivation for making changes to your lifestyle?

This is hard to summarise, but I’d say my biggest motivation is the pursuit of improved health and well-being, enhanced work performance, personal fulfilment, the desire to be a role model for my children, and overall happiness, not necessarily in that order. All of these serve as powerful driving forces for me to initiate and sustain positive transformations. There's nothing that brings me greater joy than empowering others to prevent diseases and prioritise their well-being. Having witnessed extreme illness in my life, I am driven by the belief that prevention is better than cure, and by helping people in this way, I feel like I've fulfilled my purpose.


How did you move forward when everyone kept telling you that your suggestions or ideas won't work?

I have to say, I have been very lucky, and most people around me have been incredibly supportive. I am grateful for the encouragement and backing I have received. Moreover, the timing of launching Wellness Curated just before the Covid19 pandemic turned out to be fortuitous. Today, health and wellness have become the biggest concern worldwide. However, it's important to acknowledge that everyone faces pushback at times. In my case, I'm certain that even the naysayers were trying to help in some way.  With this in mind, I persevered by seeking the guidance and support of mentors, including my husband. Conducting thorough market research and refining my business plan were instrumental in shaping my determination to forge ahead.


How do you differentiate yourself from others?

I believe my genuine motivation to help others is what sets me and my podcast apart. My approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of well-being. I prioritise a holistic perspective that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional aspects of health. My podcast delves into diverse topics, covering nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, self-care, and personal growth, with a genuine intent to provide practical and evidence-based insights. I believe my passion for supporting others has translated into a relatable and trustworthy space for listeners seeking genuine and comprehensive guidance. It brings me immense joy when listeners approach me and share that the podcast resonates with different generations, from parents to children, grandparents, and friends. I am grateful to have created a space that caters to the wellness needs of various individuals, fostering a sense of inclusivity and impact.


Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?

In addition to the remarkable Oprah Winfrey, I draw inspiration from various influential figures who have made a significant impact in the realm of holistic well-being. For instance, Deepak Chopra's teachings on mind-body connection and spiritual healing have guided my understanding of the importance of a holistic approach to wellness. His wisdom and dedication to integrating ancient wisdom with modern science have been instrumental in shaping my own journey. I am also deeply inspired by Joe Dispenza, renowned for his work on the power of the mind and the science of transformation, and Eckhart Tolle, whose teachings on mindfulness, presence, and spiritual awakening have impacted my understanding of holistic well-being. Additionally, exploring the teachings of The Bhagavad Gita has provided me with valuable insights and practical guidance for navigating challenges and fostering personal growth.


Have you been harassed or discriminated against?

In the current social milieu, it’s next to impossible to imagine anyone of any gender going through life without countering harassment or discrimination in some sphere of life. It can be emotionally draining, but as I said earlier, I am blessed with a great support system and that helps a lot. My work has also brought me equanimity and understanding, which helps me cope better than many. The truth is these occasions have been rare and insignificant enough for me to ignore.  But I’d like to be clear: usually, I see hate as an opportunity to educate others and contributing to a more inclusive and understanding society. But not everyone is open to change, and it’s equally important to remember, when faced with these things, that it’s important to stand up for yourself, because in so doing, you’re standing up for so many others who may not have your strength. So, while I prefer to be an advocate of change, when all else fails, if someone needs to be blocked or if one needs to lodge a formal complaint, I will not hesitate to do so and I strongly urge others to stand up for themselves, too.   


Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

I see myself making a significant impact in the health and wellness industry. I envision my holistic wellness podcast will have grown into a widely recognised platform, one that reaches a global audience and inspires positive lifestyle changes in countless individuals. I also see myself delivering empowering talks and workshops on holistic well-being at international conferences and events. I would also like to publish a book in that time, another medium through which I may share my insights and experiences. Additionally, I aim to create curated courses, offering immersive and tailored learning experiences in holistic well-being, empowering individuals to take charge of their health and transform their lives. Ultimately, I see myself continuing to drive positive change and making a lasting impact on people's lives through my passion for holistic wellness.


How do you want to be remembered one day?

I’d like to be remembered as someone who touched the lives of others, instilling a sense of hope and motivation, and as someone who empowered others to take charge of their own wellness journeys.


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