Born and raised in Bandarawela, she is one of the island’s finest fashion designers and to date, has participated in fifteen editions of Colombo Fashion Week. An alumna of both Bandarawela Convent and Central College Bandarawela, she obtained her BA in Fashion Design from the University of Moratuwa prior to moving to London where she completed her Masters in Fashion Management at the London College of Fashion. She is a household name in Colombo and is the go-to-designer for all red-carpet events; Charini Suriyage.


When did you first discover your passion for Fashion Designing? At a very early stage in my life. I was always fascinated with both fashion and design. As a teenager, I would diligently follow all new international trends and design my own clothes. My entire allowance as teenager was spent on clothes. My dream was always to be a successful Fashion Designer. It gives me immense pleasure to see a design I’ve created being brought to life and being enjoyed by a customer. 


Was fashion designing your first career choice? Yes, it was. But hailing from a conservative, traditional family I was encouraged to pursue a career in science. Hence, I student Biology. However, upon realizing my true calling was in design, I initially dabbled with the idea of pursuing a career in Interior Design. However, I knew I would be happiest designing clothes. 


Share with us a summary of your personal journey? I started my career after successfully completing my BA in Fashion Design at the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I traveled overseas to work in the apparel sector prior to moving back to Sri Lanka. I worked in both the US and UK. I also completed my Masters in Fashion Management at the prestigious, London College of Fashion in UK. I worked in the apparel sector in Sri Lanka for several years gaining invaluable experience, prior to launching my own brand; Charini. Furthermore, I believe in giving back to society, especially since I was able to benefit from the country’s free education system, hence for over a decade now I have also been lecturing at a few local universities, sharing my knowledge with young Sri Lankans. 


What inspires you when designing a new collection?  Inspiration is quite spontaneous for me. I gravitate towards beautiful, detailed architecture, I am intrigued by nature, and I am fascinated with history. I can get triggered any time of day, depending on where I am and what I’m seeing. 


You are undoubtedly one of Sri Lanka’s finest fashion designers, how do you  differentiate yourself?  Thank you. You are too kind to call me that. I would love to think so, but no I believe I have a long way more to go. As an individual, I am quite self-critical, and regularly sit back and evaluate my brand and brand value. I think it’s important for all of us as humans to have regular reality checks, this helps us stay grounded and stay focused. It also enables us to constantly innovate and stay ahead of the curve. 


What has been your favorite collection so far and why? Oh! This is quite a difficult question. I am always so proud of each of my collections and asking me to pick a ‘favorite’ is like asking me to pick my favorite child between my daughter and son! However, if I am to pick one that I am quite pleased with, it would be the ‘Temple Art Collection’ we created. 
We researched for months at end and studied Temple Art and Paintings from different eras prior to formulating our final concept. This was our modern interpretation of all the paintings we studied. 


What's your personal style mantra? Less is definitely not more!


Share with us a summary of your entrepreneurial journey; from classroom to  boardroom, including Awards you have won.  I initially started my career at MAS Holdings and worked there for thirteen years as the Head Designer for MAS Intimates. I launched my own brand at Colombo Fashion Week in 2008, and I am grateful for the entire team at CFW for believing in me and for trusting my designs. The platform they gave me opened many doors in Colombo and enabled me to successfully launch my brand. Prior to launching my own brand, I use to volunteer and work backstage at CFW. After launching my brand, I was also selected to participate at London Fashion Week for their fringe event, Esthetica, which is their ethical-fashion platform. I have also successfully concluded fashion shows in both India and Germany. As an individual, I believe that I must constantly keep expanding my knowledge if I am to organically grow my brand, hence in between managing my company I have also concluded short-term courses at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, Central Saint Martin’s in London, AOTS Institute of Research in Tokyo and at the National University of Singapore. 


Do you ever think – “Am I crazy?" Absolutely, all the time! I personally feel it’s better to be a tad bit crazy than boring.  


Who do you look up to for inspiration or mentorship?  Hmm. No one really. I admire different individuals engaged in varied fields of work, but I can’t think of one person that I constantly look up to for inspiration or mentorship. 


Your biggest regret? Zero regrets! I think both success and failure are a part of life.  


Why do you opt to showcasing at every CFW: Main Show, Luxury and Resort Wear? It is the best platform in Colombo to showcase a new collection. It always has the right audience and generates immense media coverage. It’s the perfect mix for any brand. Charini is a brand with multiple product categories; from swimwear to bridal, from formal, eveningwear to casual clothing, hence it’s imperative for us as a brand to showcase our varied collections at every given opportunity. 


How has CFW helped you position and grow your brand in the market? CFW was the perfect launch pad. Every event they host attracts a crème-de-la-crème audience and the best media coverage and exposure. I was able to not just introduce my brand to the city but was also able to swiftly create a network of clients and media contacts post event. This helped me grow my brand in a short span of time. 


What is your biggest fear and how do you manage it? I’m claustrophobic, hence it takes a lot of courage to even do simple things like travel by train or tube, or even to get inside an elevator. I am always panicking and terrified there will be a power cut or breakdown midway. 


If you could go back and tell yourself one thing before beginning your career, what  would it be? It's not as glamorous as it looks, it’s a lot of hard-work. Don’t pursue a career in fashion designing unless you’re ready to work all hours of the day, especially when you must meet client deadlines or have an entire collection prepared for the runway. 


Have you been harassed or discriminated against?  Thankfully, no!

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?  Being a successful label designed, created, and made in Sri Lanka, retailing globally. 

Share with us a secret no-one else knows? I hate spending time putting on make-up. I find it utterly boring. 

How do you want to be remembered one day?  As an individual that inspired many to follow their dreams!



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