Kasturi Chellaraja

As we go into this Christmas season, amidst great uncertainty around us, let us focus on the true spirit of Christmas; ‘tis the season of giving. Hope each of us can choose at least one person to help this festive season, and make their lives better even in a small way. Merry Christmas. Wishing you and your family health, happiness, peace and prosperity this Christmas and in the coming New Year.


Gehan Cooray

Christmas should be all about pondering the most important and sacred things in your own heart, which is exactly what the Bible says the Blessed Virgin Mary did during the very first Christmas. It should not be about putting on a fake outward show of whatever it is you feel compelled to project during the ‘season.’ Even if you’re not Christian, this is the time to ask yourself what and who it is that you really value and love. Don’t give the time of day (or night) to anyone or anything that isn’t in line with your values and principles.


Dr. Sulochana Segera

Jesus Christ’s birth reminds us that he chose to be born in the dirtiest and poorest place on earth and the message he gave was that he came for the rejected, the poorest and those who were struggling. He came to share peace, love and happiness with all beings. Let us remember Jesus’ message and open our hearts and souls to love those who are rejected, the poorest and those who are struggling be it families, friends or strangers, during this Christmas and festive season.


Gillian Edwards

As we celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ is ‘Good News,’ as the angel declared. It’s customary to rejoice over good news. Indeed, the angel predicted that the news of Jesus’ birth would bring ‘great pleasure’ to all people, and that the happy celebration would be worldwide and is welcomed by people all over the world. It is a time of God showing His Great Love for us. It can be a time of healing and renewed strength. The situation of our world is fragile and fractured with public health emergencies, continuing conflicts and climate change affecting the lives of many. As we the commemorate the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ we do so against the backdrop of a year dominated by a global pandemic. Corona Virus infections have caused widespread sickness, many thousands of deaths and an economic crisis, with the poorest and most vulnerable, deeply affected. For those away from home, the lonely or for those with ill health, this season is simply a reminder of what they don’t have. There are so many families who are enduring immense hardship as a result of the current economic downturn. This Christmas, reach out to those deprived and touch their lives, make a difference. Christmas is a time for giving and not simply a day we exchange gifts. Let’s not get lost in commercialized celebrations. The beauty of Christmas shines through small gestures of love. After all, the true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of God’s ultimate gift of love: the birth of Jesus, the Christ child. The spirit of Christmas is in the togetherness, it’s a selfless time, where we forgive, take stock of what’s important and become ‘better’ versions of ourselves. As we end a difficult year let the light of Christmas, the spirit of selflessness, love and hope guide us throughout the years ahead.



Stephanie De Silva


May your holidays sparkle with joy and laughter. Merry Christmas!


Marianne Page

Merry Christmas. May this season bring you much joy, laughter and love.


David and Shahili Gomes-McCoy

It’s been a difficult eighteen months for us all and doubtless there’ll be more challenges ahead. We hope the holiday season gives everyone a chance to relax with family and friends so that we may all come back energized in 2022! We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Sandra De Zoysa

May this season find you among those you love, sharing in the twin glories of generosity and gratitude. I wish the year ahead will bring you all the success, good health and joy that your heart can hold. Happy Holidays and a Joyous Festive season. Let’s not forget to enjoy the festivities in a responsible manner by maintaining a safe distance, sanitizing and wearing a face mask.


Dilrukshi Kurukulasuriya

My Christmas wish is for everyone to have food, shelter and basic needs, and to be able to live a decent life, to reduce the gap between the haves’ and have-nots and to focus on humanity. COVID19 taught us that nature doesn’t discriminate between haves and have-nots. Let this season be a time for all to reflect and make the world a better place.


Angeline Ondaatjie

This Christmas is more surreal than the last one. Whoever, thought those Christmas masks that we purchased with enthusiasm last year will come in handy this year. We had so much hope for 2021 but for the most part it turned out to be a viral annus horribilis. Yet, Christmas is a time for hope, joy, and new beginnings. Let’s remember the loved ones that we lost in the past few months and try to bring joy in meaningful ways. Keep family and friends close and share the Christmas spirit with little acts of goodness.

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