TOP50 PROFESSIONAL  AND CAREER WOMEN’S  AWARDS 2021held on the 18th of January 2022 at the Grand Ballroom, Shangri La, Colombo




Lihini Weerasinghe

Head of International Youth Relations, National Youth Services Council, Ministry of Youth, Sri Lanka

I have been mentored by Dr. Sulochana Segera, and I am lucky to be a part of the organization, and to be a part of all the events hosted by Women In Management. I was exposed to a lot of new experiences. But what I should talk about the most, is how empowering WIM is, not just on screen but behind the scenes as well. Dr. Sulochana has a commendable leadership style. She empowers us and delegates responsibilities to us, giving us the opportunity to be leaders as well. 



Sandra De Zoysa 

Group Chief Customer Officer, Dialog Axiata PLC 
Chairperson, SLASSCOM 

The work that Dr. Sulochana and her team are doing is incredible. When I received my award some years back, the event was much smaller. But at the time it was definitely the most amazing initiative. However, each year they seem to have outdone themselves. It’s got bigger and better, well-managed and an event for women to look forward to annually. It is not just in Sri Lanka, but also across Canada and the Maldives and will also soon be held in Australia, the US and Dubai as well.  It’s truly amazing to see how women rally around women, and women supporting women! These awards are one place where you can see all this happening. Congratulations to all the 2021 winners. 



Harshi Manamendra 
Director of Technology, Ishara Ventures (PVT) LTD

I think it’s special and important that women in technology are being recognized so that we can inspire more young girls to get into the Science and Technological sector in Sri Lanka. Women In Management particularly has been playing an important and amazing role in doing just that and I thank them for that. It was a such a great event. Congratulations to the entire team at WIM for organizing yet another successful event. 



Minha Faiz 
President, Women in Management (Maldives)

Women In Management was founded in Maldives in 2017. In 2021, the Maldivian Professional and Career Women Awards had thirty-one awardees, and six of whom received awards today, here in Colombo. Women tend to always be hesitant in receiving recognition for their achievements and coming to the forefront. But it is very important for women to tell their stories and share their accomplishments so that the younger generation gets inspired. These stories and accomplishments are being shared through WIM Awards



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