34 bus route permits suspended for violating seating capacity rule: Dilum Amunugma

15 December 2020 01:22 pm Views - 1187

A total of 34 bus route permits have been suspended for transporting passengers more than the seating capacity, Transport State Minister Dilum Amunugma today said.

He said the ministry continues to receive sevaral complaints in this regard.

The route permits will be suspended before the investigation and after the investigations are completed, the route permits would then be cancelled if found there were any serious breach of quarantine law.

Police and Provincial Transport Authority officials have been advised to investigate the received complaints.

“The recent bus fare revision was implemented only to transport passengers upon seating capacity. Transporting passengers beyond that norm is illegal and contrary to the quarantine law,” the State Minister said.

The law to transport passengers during this pandemic situation is strictly implemented, the Minister added. (Chaturanga Samarawickrama)