No dissolution till 20A enacted-Rathana Thera

28 May 2015 03:06 am Views - 2916

Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) chairman and Pivithuru Hetak convenor, the Ven. Athuraliye Rathana Thera said yesterday that they would not allow parliament to be dissolved without the 20th Amendment to the Constitution first being enacted.

He said the Pivithuru Hetak organization together with other civil society organizations would launch a massive peoples’ power movement, if the draft of the 20th Amendment was not presented at the Cabinet meeting held that evening or within the following two days.

“We do not see much interest in introducing the 20th Amendment -- just as in the case of the 19th Amendment. 95% of SLFPers have shown their interest in this; a few others are trying to disrupt it with ulterior motives. Some UNP MPs also assured me that they would support 20 A,” he said.
The Thera alleged that the UNP was dragging its feet regarding the introduction of the 20th Amendment and said this the government was not elected on the votes of UNP supporters alone.

“This was not the sole victory of the UNP. Civil society organizations also played a major role,” he said, at a meeting held at Ape Gama in Battaramulla calling for the enactment of the 20th Amendment and the scrapping of the preferential voting system.

Movement for a Just Society convenor, the Ven.Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera said the change of government at the last presidential election was a remarkable political change and that they would continue their struggle until the 20th Amendment was enacted.

The Ven. Sobitha Thera said enactment of 20 A was not just an issue concerning the UNP, SLFP or JVP but rather an issue of national importance.
“Governments in the past were toppled on promises of providing relief to the people; but on this occasion it was done to bring about political reforms,” he said. (Ajith Siriwardana)