Afghan envoy in Colombo refuses to recognize Taliban

11 September 2021 07:46 am Views - 3737

The Afghan Ambassador to Sri Lanka has refused to recognize the interim cabinet of the Taliban.

Ashraf Haidari has, in a letter, told the Sri Lankan Government and diplomatic community based in Colombo that the Taliban government is illegitimate, Daily Mirror learns.

The Taliban had this week announced the appointment of an interim cabinet and a Prime Minister.

Haidari told Daily Mirror that none of the Afghan Ambassadors, internationally recognized, have welcomed the announcement of the so-called exclusionary interim cabinet of Taliban.

He said the Taliban cabinet includes Un-sanctioned terrorists as its leadership and excludes women, members of the Islamic Republic government, as well as all ethnic, religious, and sectarian minorities.

“This exclusionary setup facilitated by foreign aggression and established by a visiting foreign intelligence chief has been rejected by all Afghans and heavily criticized by the whole international community,” he said.

Haidari has also told the Sri Lankan Government and foreign diplomatic missions that all Afghan Embassies around the world will continue with their normal duties.

The Ambassador said that Afghans want a broadbased inclusive and representative government.(EASWARAN RUTNAM)