Attempt to ride on Agbo ends in disaster

12 December 2023 01:09 pm Views - 2365

By Dayaratne Embogama and Saman Gamage

Thirappane, Dec.12 (Daily Mirror) - A young man under the influence of liquor who ventured to ride on the back of tusker Agbo frequenting the Kanumullegama tank in Thirappane, was injured when the jumbo hit him with a limb.

The man was admitted to the Anuradhapura Teaching Hospital.

The jumbo had been under the treatment of Wildlife Department veterinary surgeons for gunshot injuries and was released to the jungle recently after recovery. However, it had been frequenting human habitats.

When the young man, who moved under the trunk of the wild elephant twice without being hurt, had the impression that it was friendly with him, hung on to its tail and attempted to mount on its back, regardless of the warnings of the villagers. Then the elephant had hit him with its rear limb, dashing him away.