27 April 2020 12:42 pm Views - 3111
Health Services Director Dr. Anil Jasinghe said today that the Health Ministry requested the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) 1,000 body bags not with the expectation of a possible increase of COVID 19 casualties but on the Health Ministry policy of maintaining a specific stock of medical supplies.
Commenting on the controversy created on the social media on the Health Ministry’s request for 1,000 body bags from the ICRC, Dr. Jasinghe said, as a policy, the Health Ministry was maintaining a specific stock of medical equipment, drugs and other essential in order to face any medical emergency.
“We never expect a big increase of COVID 19 related deaths as the Health Ministry with the able support of the Sri Lanka Army, Navy, the Air Force and the Sri Lanka Police have been able to successfully control the viral infection and the number of deaths to the minimum possible. Therefore, no one must unnecessarily panic on this order. It is just only a policy matter,” Dr. Jasinghe stressed. (Sandun A Jayasekera)