Circular issued to open schools in WP

25 March 2021 03:51 pm Views - 947

Following Health Ministry recommendations, The Education Ministry today issued a special circular to open all grades in all schools including pre-schools in the Western Province (WP) on Monday (March 29). 

The circular has been issued to Provincial Secretaries, Provincial Secretaries of Education, Provincial Directors, Zonal Education Directors, Divisional Education Directors and Principals in this regard.

"All schools in the WP will be reopened on March 29. If an area was isolated, schools in that particular area will be temporarily closed until the relevant period expires," the Ministry said.

Preparation to make the school a hygienic place, the learning and teaching process will be set aside for three days from tomorrow (from March 26 to 28).

The circular also included how to conduct classes while maintaining social distance.

Classes that have up to 15 children should be held every day of the week. For the classes that have between 16 - 30 children will be divided into two groups and studies will be conducted one week apart. Classes with more than 30 students should be divided into three groups and classes will be conducted on an equal number of days.

Concerning the summoning of academic and non-academic staff to the school, the circular says that the student learning and teaching process will resume and all of them will be required to report for duty as usual.

The relevant guidelines could be accessed through the Education Ministry official website

Accordingly, the first school term for the whole island will end on April 9 and will resume for the second term on April 20. (Chaturanga Samarawickrama)