Considerate on New year’s auspicious times as sun is directly over SJ’Pura: Anura C. Perera

14 April 2023 01:22 pm Views - 2316

Science writer and astronomer Anura C. Perera today cautioned that the auspicious times of the new year rituals should be observed considering the harsh weather as the sun will be directly over the capital Sri Jayawardenepura, Kotte.

While speaking exclusively to the Daily Mirror he said that the auspicious times that have been set are not accurate.

He said that the meaning of the new year that the sun being directly over the country. Accordingly, the sun is now heading directly over the country from April 5 to April 15. Therefore, it is better if auspicious the times are made with the sun directly over the country which is considered more scientific.

When the sun beats directly, the shadow disappears momentarily. Considering this, the new year was celebrated in India before 1944, during the era of King Shaka in Madurai, India.

Sri Lankans celebrate their Sinhala and Tamil New Year in mid-April when the sun horoscopically moves from Meena (House of Pisces) to Mesha (House of Aries) in the celestial sphere.

"But astrologists have not considered the time lapse of the rotation and revolution of Earth. Due to the time lag of the rotation and revolution of Earth, the sun moving to Mesha Rashiya has been changed. Scientifically, the sun's movement from Meena Rashiya to Mesha Rashiya is to occur on April 19. According to the Sinhala astrologists, the movement of the sun was considered on April 14 and 15. But as we can see, during the eras of the previous Sinhala kings, auspicious times were made for March. The transit of the sun from Meena Rashiya to Mesha Rashiya is a leap every 2,166 years. There are no static occurrences in the universe; everything is changing its position," he said.

This Rasi Chakra is not static. Before 3,000 years, the Taurus Zodiac (Vrishabha Rashi) was in the place of the Mesha Rashi (Aries Sign). The sun is not moving from Meena Rashiya to Mesha Rashiya, and it is a myth. The sun is not moving.

Therefore, if auspicious times were chosen while considering the sun being directly over the country, there would no issues. There is a possibility of changing the time only in a leap year. No astrologer can see the sun moving from Meena Rashiya to Mesha Rashiya, it is merely a myth. The sun is not moving.

It is worthy if the auspicious times of the new year conclude in two days. There is no truth behind these auspicious times, he added. (Chaturanga Pradeep Samarawickrama and Indika Sri Aravinda)