Elephant calf stayed by its dying mother till the end

3 March 2016 07:04 am Views - 10395

From Palugaswewa, Elapathwewa in Horowpothana comes a report of an elephant calf who had stayed with its mother for a number of days until Wildlife officers arrived to attend to her after it was injured as a result of coming into contact with an Improvised Explosive Devise (IED), more commonly known locally as a Hakkapatas trap.

Veterinary Surgeon Chandana Jayasinghe had led a team that had arrived at the scene after being alerted about the condition in which the mother elephant was in by area residents. However, even after they arrived the seven-year-old elephant calf had refused to budge from the side of its mother which was around twenty-five years old. This had made it extremely difficult for the Veterinary Surgeon to treat the elephant which had ultimately cost the animal its life although they were finally able to start treating it after getting the calf to move away from its mother.

Dr. Chandana explained that due to the extensive damage done to its internal organs as a result of the IED or Hakkapatas, they were unable to save the she elephant.

Finally the wildlife officers were able to chase the elephant calf into the forest. (Pathum Dharshana-Horowpothana)