GMOA writes to MPs over SAITM controversy

21 August 2017 04:51 pm Views - 4633

The GMOA today wrote to all Parliamentarians asking them to call for a debate on the setting up of SAITM.

It said despite the SAITM issue being resolved, Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne’s interference had aggravated the situation causing financial and other damage to the country.

GMOA Secretary Haritha Aluthge claimed the minister had pumped Rs.3,000 million to the Neville Fernando Teaching Hospital (NFTH) based on a letter of intent.

He claimed the minister had not requested funds from the Treasury but instead had used Health Ministry funds which were meant for the country’s health expenditure, thus causing a huge financial loss to the government and to the country amid several other malpractices which had taken place on this matter.

“We informed Parliament about the dark side of the SAITM and the harm that it posed to the people,” he said and added that the minister's action should be probed by a presidential commission.

Meanwhile, Dr. Aluthge said Dr. Neville Fernando has told the media that 300 new students including 100 foreign students would be enrolled in the next few months despite the government’s call to suspend student enrollment until the SAITM issue was resolved.

He questioned Dr. Fernando’s authority to challenge the country’s governing body and its decisions and enroll a new batch of students. (Thilanka Kanakarathna)


Video by Sanjeewa