Glad to meet the TNA: Asgiriya Registrar

12 July 2017 02:20 am Views - 7273

The Asgiriya Chapter Registrar and the Asgiriya Sangha Sabha senior committee member, the Ven. Medagma Dhammananda Thera said he appreciated the decision taken by the TNA parliamentarians including the Opposition leader to meet the Mahanayake Theras.

“We are happy to have met the TNA parliamentarians including the Opposition leader and clear up misunderstandings if any,” he said. “We have expressed our views on amending the Constitution. It is our responsibility as Sri Lankans to create a conducive environment so that we all can live in peace and harmony. We regret that the Northern Provincial Council Chief Minister's extremist stance on certain matters." (J.A.L. Jayasinghe)