Government will not sell Visumpaya at lower price : Minister

9 February 2024 11:35 am Views - 1769

By Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana

Parliament, Feb. 09 (Daily Mirror)- Government will not sell the historic Visumpaya lower than the price which has been estimated by the Valuation Department, Minister of Urban Development Prasanna Ranatunga informed Parliament today.

“We are not inclined to change the price recommended by the Valuation Department for Visumpaya and are not willing to sell it at a lower price than the Valuation Department's estimate,” Minister Ranatunga responded to a query raised by the Leader of the Opposition, Sajith Premadasa, regarding the historic building.
“However, we have positively responded to the investor's request to conduct another valuation through a chartered valuer.

“The investor requested six months to complete this updated valuation,” he added.

The Minister assured maximum transparency in the transaction process. However, he also mentioned that the government is not in a position to develop the property independently.

Reports indicated that the government's valuation of the property is Rs 9 billion, while the investor has offered Rs 4 billion.

The government's plan is to transform Visumpaya into a heritage hotel.

Visumpaya, built 190 years ago during the colonial period and originally named 'Ackland House,' served as the Mess House for the Officers of the Ceylon Rifles Regiment. Over time, it transformed into the Manager’s Quarters and Office for the Colombo Commercial Company, a prominent entity in the commercial trade of that era. In 1971, the Sirimavo Bandaranaike Government acquired the building through its nationalizing initiative under the Business (Acquisition) Act No. 35 of 1971. 

Subsequently, it became the official residence of D. M. Jayaratne, the 14th Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. Anura Bandaranaike, the former Minister and Speaker, passed away within its premises. Currently recognized as a heritage site, it is earmarked for conversion into a boutique hotel.