Govt. now in cleaning up process- PM

20 August 2016 05:44 am Views - 4359

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday said the government has embarked on a cleaning up process to put every aspect of the country on the right track.
Prime Minister Wickremesinghe who was speaking at a rally in Matara to mark the first anniversary of the formation of the joint government by the UNP and the SLFP likened the cleaning up of all sectors to what happened in cricket.
"Sri Lanka had beaten Australia in the three test matches. This is a result of our approach of cleaning up Sri Lanka's cricket and depoliticizing it. We appointed an interim committee initially and restored cricket. Likewise we will clean up every sector and put the country on track," he said.
"You might not see the result of what we have done in our first year in office now. But you will and feel them by the time we mark the second anniversary of the government," he said. He also said that Sri Lanka has become the first in South Asia to form a joint government comprising the two main parties and this approach should be turned into a global trend.
"Anyone could criticize various move of the government by remaining as a part of it. But criticizing the government as a whole by staying in the opposition is not a healthy approach at all," he said.(Yohan Perera and Krishan Jeewak Jayaruk)