Man lights cigarette with twenty rupee note

6 January 2017 09:04 am Views - 14876

A story is circulating in Kataragama about a devotee who had used a twenty rupee note to light his cigarette.

According to the Kataragama sales agent of Wijeya Newspapers Ltd., K. M Ariyasena, he had seen a person who had (after lunching on January 3rd at a nearby restaurant) come to his stall and bought a cigarette. He had then taken out a twenty rupee note from his pocket and lit it from a gas cooker nearby and then used it to light his cigarette. Then he had thrown away the burnt note.

Afterwards, he had driven away in a modern vehicle.

Many had observed this scene and been outraged. They had disparaged his action. They said, when so many beggars around the place stretch out their hands for a few rupees and only gett a two-rupee coin or a five-rupee coin, others light their cigarettes with twenty rupee notes. (M. N. Piyaratne and Rukman Ratnayake)