Member of Parliamentary dance troupe tests COVID-19 positive

18 January 2022 12:38 pm Views - 1197

A member of the dance troupe which had arrived to perform for the ceremonious opening of the Parliament session today and a member of the House staff tested COVID 19 positive, sources told Daily Mirror. 

Reliable sources from Parliament said the dancer who had tested positive was sent back while the others in the troupe were allowed to perform during the ceremony.

The opening session of Parliament was attended by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa as well. 

A spokesman from Parliament's media unit later confirmed that a dancer had tested positive but he was not able to confirm about the Parliament staff member. 

Searjeant -at -Arms Narednra Fernando who confirmed the situation said this particular dancer had arrived in the Parliament premises separately and not with other members of the troupe. (Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana)