Modi’s speech a boost to new separatism: NUTA

14 May 2017 06:03 pm Views - 7000

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement addressing the estate Tamil Indian factions at the Norwood area was a fillip to separatism, the National University Teachers Association (NUTA) said today.

Issuing a statement NUTA General Secretary Dr. Channa Jayasumana said the core of PM Modi’s statement based only for the upcountry Tamil factions and not focused on other Tamil communities in the country.

“PM Modi said the Indian Tamils are maintaining the Indian culture. His influence to do so is discouraging those people to assimilate into the Sri Lankan culture. We also condemn that he addressed these people as part of the Indian Diaspora,” he said.

“Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims in the country suffered due to the terrorism that was created and backed by Indian politics and secret services. Therefore it is our responsibility not to repeat the past mistakes in future,” he said.

“PM Modi had treated plantation sector Indian Tamils as a faction within an Indian State without considering them as people, who lives in a neighbouring foreign country. It could lead to different mentality in those people. Those people do not belong to India or any other country as they are Sri Lankans,” Dr. Jayasumana said. (Thilanka Kanakarathna)