Motion presented to appoint PSC to identify changes to election laws and electoral system

5 April 2021 04:06 pm Views - 497

Leader of the House Dinesh Gunawardene presented a motion to appoint a select committee to identify appropriate changes to the election laws and electoral system and to recommend necessary amendments.

As per the motion the chair and the members of the committee will be appointed by the Speaker while the committee shall report to the House within six months of its first stings or such extended period as Parliament may grant.

The committee could decide on its quorum, summon any person before it , to require any person to produce any document or record, to procure and receive all such evidence , written or oral as it may think necessary for the fullest consideration, obtain services of specialists and experts in the relevant fields and make interim reports from time to time and sit notwithstanding any adjournment of Parliament.

Mr. Gunawardene said proposals from the opposition will also be welcomed. (Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwardana)