New resolution on SL adopted at HR Council with 20 votes in favour

6 October 2022 05:40 pm Views - 5028

The new resolution on ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’ A/HRC/51/5, that was presented at the 51st regular session of the Human Rights Council has been adopted with 20 voting in favour while 7 voted against the resolution and 20 abstained from voting.

Along with Pakistan, China, Venezuela, Cuba, Eritrea, Bolivia and Uzbekistan voted against the resolution.

Twenty countries- United Kingdom, United States, Argentina, Armenia, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Honduras, Lithuania, Luxembourg ,, Malawi, Marshal Islands. Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Paraguay, Poland, Republic of Korea and Ukraine- voted for the resolution easily outnumbering Sri Lanka.

India, Japan, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Brazil and Japan are among the countries that abstained.