Non-drivers have gone to Dubai seeking jobs in taxi company: Manusha

7 December 2023 06:26 pm Views - 1364


Some individuals who are not qualified as drivers have gone to Dubai fraudulently to be employed as drivers in a taxi company and have faced issues after being unable to pass the driving test there, Foreign Employment Minister Manusha Nanayakkara said today.

He told Parliament that steps were being taken to bring them back to Sri Lanka.

The Minister said this while responding to a question by Parliamentarian Wasantha Yapa Bandara that a group of 200 Sri Lankans who had gone to Dubai to be employed in a Dubai taxi company had not got their employment yet.

The MP said the group had gone to Dubai legally through the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE).
The Minister said the group had to wait some time as they wanted to get necessary training there and pass a driving test before being employed and that those who passed the driving test are being recruited now.

“Some individuals in the group had gone there fraudulently without the required skills. Some others had failed the driving test even though they possessed the required skills. Some of them who had passed the test also want to come back. We are planning to bring them back,” he said.