16 January 2018 06:45 am Views - 7103
“The SC determination makes it clear that a presidential election has to be held in November or December next year on the basis that the current President's tenure ends in January 2020,” he said at a public rally in Maha Bellana over the weekend.
The deputy minister said the constitution might be changed and the executive presidency abolished by then resulting in there being no reason for anyone to think about a presidential election.
“A mandate was given for a new constitution and to abolish the executive presidency. President Sirisena was elected on the promise of carrying out these political reforms,” he said. “The President is right in seeking such a determination to clear any ambiguity or doubts. The current Parliament will go on for five years. President has no power to dissolve Parliament till it completes four and a half years of its term. There is no provision in the 19th amendment to remove the Prime Minister. The President has to consult the Prime Minister when appointing a minister. Parliament has power to allocate funds for all ministries. Political turmoil is avoided with the 19th Amendment. The SC determination had confirmed that the 19th Amendment is in operation. That is why the UNP did intervene on this matter." (Yohan Perera)