Prevent virus spread instead of cracking down on people for remarks: Rajitha, SF

21 March 2020 03:08 pm Views - 4185

Former MPs Rajitha Senaratne and Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka yesterday said the focus should be made on preventing the spread of COVID-19 instead of cracking down on people for the statements they make. "The disease is spreading fast and the number of cases are increasingly daily. Therefore, one should think of saving the people from the crisis," Dr Senaratne said. "Also Sri Lankan authorities should take the warnings given by WHO seriously," he added. Field Marshal Fonseka said one must focus on the statement made by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa who mentioned that there are 1,500 suspected of having contracted COVID-19. "I was shocked by this statement," he said. "One cannot be satisfied with the steps taken by the government to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The country should have been subjected to a lock down for two weeks earlier. It would have been possible to control the situation within two weeks if a lock down was imposed earlier," he said. (Yohan Perera)