SLFP ready to quit, questions why Sabry is Finance

4 April 2022 02:04 pm Views - 13034

The Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) is ready to quit the government coalition today and some state ministers have already begun clearing their ministries, the Daily Mirror learns.

As a result President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has called the SLFP for an urgent meeting at 3 pm today to discuss their concerns.

Some of the concerns they have raised today is why Ali Sabry was appointed as the Finance Minister and why a Highways Minister was appointed at this juncture. Anoth point raised was why ministers of power and energy were not appointed when the country is facing such a massive fuel and power crisis. 

The SLFP will thrash out their concerns at the meeting with the President and are likely to exit from the government after that. (Jamila Husain)