Search for wild elephant continues after crashing with Anthony ’s cab

4 July 2022 02:55 pm Views - 2447

The Department of Wildlife Conservation had today deployed two teams to track down the wild elephant involved in the accident at Moragoda in Thalawa in which veteran artiste Jackson Anthony and two others were seriously injured.

A senior official of the Wildlife Conservation Department in Anuradhapura said that the jumbo had fallen twice on the double cab in the impact and that it would have sustained serious injuries.

He said the two teams comprising officers from Thalawa and Anuradhapura Wildlife Conservation offices were now looking for it in Ulukkulama and Weerawewa areas.

Meanwhile Wildlife Veterinary Surgeon in Anuradhapura Zone Dr. Chandana Jayasinghe said the picture appearing in social media as the wild elephant involved in the accident was false and that the wildlife conservators had not been able to trace it by today afternoon. He said the dearth of fuel for the departmental vehicles was an obstacle to the search. (Dayaratne Embogama and B.G.Chaturanga)