Snakes live in anthills inside school classroom in Serunuwara: Sajith

6 December 2023 09:51 pm Views - 861


Parliament, Dec. 6 (Daily Mirror)- Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa said some buildings in the Somadevi Vidyalaya in Serunuwara were in dilapidated condition where even snakes have taken shelter in anthills inside classrooms.

He told Parliament that some 300 students in the school are in danger and requested the Education Minister to look into the matter.

Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said estimates have been called for submission before December 15 from schools with dilapidated buildings and steps will be taken to renovate them within the next year.

"I obtained details of estimates amounting to Rs.10,000 million for renovation of school buildings. We can allocate only a little amount from next year's budget for this purpose which is insufficient. I have also called on estimates from schools in all nine provinces before December 15. I assume all estimates will amount to Rs. 30,000 million. We will try to obtain support from the General Education Project (GEP) of the World Bank and complete renovations within the next year," he said.