State Minister loses his cool for being called just an MP

23 November 2022 02:43 pm Views - 3650

Sri Lanka's Parliament which faces more fights and arguments than valuable speeches in recent times, saw a different kind of an argument emerge today when the Speaker was told off by a state minister for being called just an MP.

The argument emerged when State Minister Chamara Sampath Dassanayake, lost his cool when Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena incorrectly called him as an MP, signalling him to speak in Parliament.

"Speaker, I am not an MP. President Ranil Wickremesinghe has given me a portfolio. Don't you know this? Thanks to the President I was given a state ministry. So please don't call me an MP. Please work according to the Parliament agenda," he lashed out.

The Speaker who could not control back his laughter at what the State Minister had said ended up apologizing to cool Chamara's temper. (Jamila Husain)