Team of scholars to study medicinal value of tea

23 May 2017 10:43 am Views - 4475

A team of scholars of five institutions have put their heads together to conduct research on medicinal values of tea that could cure non communicable diseases and oral ailments and how the chemical substances in tea would affect the human body.

Medical faculty of the Peredeniya University, Peradeniya teaching hospital, and the Agricultural Faculty have initiated the research project with the help of Hanthana Tea Research Institute. The 20 member team of researchers is headed by a professor of the Peradeniya Medical Faculty.

Researchers believe that chemical substance in tea could prevent several non- communicable diseases including diabetes and cancer and oral diseases. They pointed out that both black tea and green tea were conducive to health. They said they would conduct further research on how agro chemicals affect human health and caused renal ailments.

Chairman of the Tea Research Institute Dr. Jayantha Gawaramana, Director Dr. Sarath Abeysinge, Prof. Sanath Dharmasena, Dr. Chales Antonypillai of the Kandy general hospital Dr. Bhatiya Alagoda of the Peredeniya teaching hospital, Former Chairman of the Coconut Research Institute Dr. Waidyanatha and several other researchers attended the meeting. (Suranga Rajanayaka)