Academics’ crisis to end soon?

22 June 2011 05:41 am Views - 6367

Indicating signs of a positive ending for the struggle of university academics, Federation of University Teachers Association (FUTA) today said that discussions with the Higher Education Minister last evening ended on a successful note. 

“The Minister agreed to the basic framework of the alternative proposal submitted by us last week and the discussions last evening were focused on methods to implement the proposal while overcoming certain practical issues. The Minister assured us that a solution will be given to our salary issues within the coming days,” FUTA President Dr. Nirmal Dewasiri said speaking to Daily Mirror Online.
However, FUTA has not made any decision on withdrawing from their current or future trade union actions so far. “Withdrawal from our trade union actions will follow only upon the implementation of the proposal,” Dr. Dewasiri added. (Lakna Paranamanna)