Video: BBS ties up with Hindu Federation for reconciliation
26 August 2014 11:50 am
Views - 14443
The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) today charged that the Government and the National Languages and Social Integration Ministry had failed in the reconciliation process in Sri Lanka and as such would work with the All Ceylon Hindu Federation (ACHF) to complete this task.
BBS General Secretary Ven. Galagodaatte Gnanasara Thera expressed these views at a joint news conference with the All Ceylon Hindu Federation (ACHF) in Colombo.
“Flying kites in the Galle Face Green won’t bring reconciliation.A strong mechanism is needed to touch people’s hearts, to deliver a strong message and to change their thinking. We, with our strong and active network, together with other organisations including ACHF will take over this task,” he said.
As an initial step, the All Ceylon Hindu Federation teamed up with the BBS to form a Buddhist and Hindu Unit against extremist groups and to find solutions to the issues faced by the two groups.
“The BBS and the ACHF will form a ‘Buddhist and Hindu Dharma Arakshana Sabhawa’ to safeguard the two religions and to look into the issues faced by Buddhists and Hindus. We will fight unethical conversion as well as try to mend the hearts of Tamils and Sinhalese,” the Thera said.
(Lahiru Pothmulla & Yoshitha Perera)
Pix by Samantha Perera