Brown set to lose polls

7 May 2010 04:30 am Views - 4935

British voters have demanded that Gordon Brown goes as Labour sinks to a convincing defeat in the general election.  David Cameron's Tories have turned great swathes of the country blue, and are on course to win.

But there was uproar when Gordon Brown astonishingly signalled he would stay on as PM. A hung Parliament looks on the cards with the Conservatives falling just short of an overall majority, while still by far the largest party.

Despite the nation's thumping rejection, arrogant Mr Brown declared: "I am the leader of the Labour Party but I've also got a duty to the country.

"My duty as Prime Minister is to play my part in ensuring a stable strong and principled government."

And Chancellor Alistair Darling echoed other stubborn Cabinet ministers' defiance, adding: "We are the government until such time we're not.

"The constitution of this country is that the Prime Minister is Prime Minister until such time he resigns."

Tories dubbed Labour's defiance of the people as "disgraceful".

The Tory boss insisted: "What is clear from the results is the country wants change. I believe it's already clear that the Labour government has lost its mandate to run this country." (The Sun)