Cameron watches Channel-4 video

10 November 2013 04:57 am Views - 6436

British Prime Minister David Cameron said that he has watched the latest Channel-4 video on alleged war crimes by Sri Lanka and said that Sri Lanka has "serious questions" to answer about war crimes allegedly committed during its civil war, the BBC reported.

Mr Cameron's comments came as he prepared to attend a Commonwealth summit on the island.

The prime minister said he would urge President Rajapaksa to hold an inquiry into the final months of the Sri Lankan civil war when they meet next week.

However, the prime minister has rejected calls to boycott the meeting.

Critics say any engagement with the Sri Lankan government at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (Chogm) amounts to "collaboration".

But the prime minister insisted that his attendance will help "shine a spotlight" on human rights concerns.

He spoke out after watching a documentary commissioned by Channel 4 about the events of 2009, which features footage of alleged war crimes by government forces.

Mr Cameron said the documentary, called No Fire Zone, was "one of the most chilling documentaries" he had watched.

"It brings home the brutal end to the civil war and the immense suffering of thousands of innocent civilians who kept hoping that they would reach safety, but tragically many did not," he said.

"Many of the images are truly shocking."

He said no-one could regret the end of the terrorist campaign waged by the Tamil Tigers who were responsible for "terrible crimes".

"But that wrong does not change the fact that this documentary raises very serious questions that the Sri Lankan government must answer about what it did to protect innocent civilians - questions that strengthen the case for an independent investigation, questions that need answers if Sri Lanka is to build the truly peaceful and inclusive future its people deserve."

Mr Cameron said "positive steps" such as provincial elections and a commission to investigate the disappearances of tens of thousands of people fell well short of what was required.

"I will raise my concerns when I see President Rajapaksa next week in Colombo," he said.

"And I will tell him that if Sri Lanka doesn't deliver an independent investigation, the world will need to ensure an international investigation is carried out instead."

Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said he would boycott the meeting in protest against alleged human rights abuses in Sri Lanka.

But Downing Street denied any move to downgrade the UK's delegation - which will also include Foreign Secretary William Hague.