CEB Revenue less than anticipated
29 December 2010 09:17 am
Views - 4119
The Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) had expected additional revenue of Rs. 24 billion from the tariff increase proposed earlier but will have to be content with only Rs.12 billion after the actual increase of 8% for users above 120 units a month, the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) said.
Chairman, PUCSL Dr. Jayaissa De Costa said the decision to increase the relief package from 90 units to120 units a month would deprive the CEB of Rs. 400 million.
The PUCSL after much deliberation, public hearings and consultation with consumers, private power suppliers and the industrial sector through a committee suggested to the government a tariff increase of 8% for consumers who use more than 90 units a month.