Complaints against police piled up

20 June 2011 09:00 am Views - 3667

By Sandun A. Jayasekera

Hundreds of public complaints lodged with the National Police Commission (NPC) by the public against police officers have been piled up un-attended as a result of the non-functioning of the Commission, a senior source of the NPC said.

Secretary of the NPC, Ariyadasa Cooray told Daily Mirror that the powers and functions of the NPC were drastically diminished since the introduction of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution and many duties and powers earlier vested with the NTC are now handled by the Public Service Commission and the Police Chief.

“I have received nearly 1,000 complaints from the public against police officers of various ranks since April 9th, 2009, the day the NPC ceased to its operations with the expiry of office of the commissioners,” Mr. Cooray said. 

The administration of non-gazetted officers - from Inspectors of Police to Constables - is once again handled by the Police Department. The NPC is responsible only for recruitments, transfers, promotions and disciplinary action on police officers above ASPs after the passing of the 18th Amendment, he said.

Mr. Cooray added that the NPC will inquire public complaints received against police officers above the ranks of IPs and complaints against police officers below the rank of ASPs are inquired by the Police department in accordance to- the 18th Amendment.  He said about 600 complaints received against non-gazette officers have been sent to the IGP for necessary action.