Video: Counter revolution using social media: Ranil

26 May 2015 01:29 am Views - 8496

A counter revolution is being mooted over social media to rob the hard-won freedom of the people and these attempts should be defeated, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said yesterday.

He made these comments when he met several social media groups at Temple Trees and said these elements were using the killing of 18-year old Vidiya in Jaffna to fuel their attempts.

Mr. Wickremesinghe said these elements were using this tragedy for their political agenda. He said these elements who had joined a politicians to hold a party to celebrate the feat of raping the 100th girl.

“The the former regime which allowed such things should apologise to women in the country for not taking any action against the perpetrators who abused women to fulfill their desires," he said.

The Prime Minister said the killing of Vidya could never be condoned and expressed his sorrow over this tragedy.

He said the need for today was a new political culture and the path way for such a culture would be laid after the next general election.(Yoyan Perera and Darshana Sanjeewa)