Dayasiri apologises to the people

14 July 2014 03:45 am Views - 9037

North Western Province Chief Minister Dayasiri Jaysekera tendered an apology to the people of the country and to those of the province he represents for the unfortunate incident that took place at a recent talk show on TV -- where he got into a brawl with the UNP MP Harin Fernando.

“I, as a ruling party politician who is responsible to the people and recognises the sovereignty of the people, tender my sincere apologies to the people of the country as a whole and particularly to the people of the North Western Province,” Mr. Jayasekera said in a statement issued yesterday.

The chief minister said his heart ached when he thought of the incident especially as, being the provincial Minister of Education, he should set a good example to the children. “My heart will always ache when I recall this incident,” he said.

Mr. Jayasekera said his perception was that one should restrain oneself no matter who ridicules one, as people do not approve of incidents like the one that took place during the TV debate. “I hold this perception rather than accusing anyone over the media,” he added.

He said he strongly believed that one could not approve of what took place at the talk show or his reaction to Mr. Fernando’s behaviour and language.

He said he had never used his position as a weapon to terrorise and pressure people.