Dayasiri, Harin exchange blows

9 July 2014 01:10 pm Views - 13343

North Western Province Chief Minister Dayasiri Jayasekara and United National Party (UNP) parliamentarian Harin Fernando are reported to have exchanged fisticuffs during the commercial break of a political programme on a private television channel on Tuesday night.

Prior to the commercial break, there had been a serious argument between the two of them.  After the programme was stopped for the commercial break, Mr. Fernando alleged that Mr. Jayasekara assaulted him. It had led to an exchange of blows between the two.  

Mr. Fernando said Mr. Jayasekara even bit him during the brawl. Mr. Jayasekara, along with MP Arundika Fernando, represented the government at this debate while Mr. Fernando and JVP parliamentarian Sunil Handunnetti represented the opposition.

The television programme which usually lasts up to midnight had to be stopped after the commercial break. (KB)