Election as planned: Amaraweera

28 December 2014 10:22 am Views - 4991

While claiming that nearly 1.1 million people had been affected with 23 deaths and 8 missing by today from the worst floods and earth slips experienced in the country since 1956, Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Amaraweera expressed hopes that the Presidential Elections would not have to be postponed despite requests from certain quarters.

Addressing a news briefing at the SLFP head office, Minister Amaraweera said the weather reports indicated that with the rain diminishing in the next few days the threat of floods and earths slips would gradually stop.

“However, it is up to the Elections Commissioner to assess all facts and figures to decide whether to postpone or not the Presidential Poll. My personal view is that the rains, floods and earth slips are not threatening the smooth conduct of the Presidential Election right now,” Minister Amaraweera said.(Sandun A Jayasekera)

Pic by Nisal Baduge