Video: Govt. is breaking its promise to the int. community – Ranil

3 July 2013 03:47 pm Views - 17510

The UNP leader Ranil  Wickremsinghe said today that if the government was not going to keep the promise it made to the international community in 2009 in Geneva that it would implement the 13 Amendment, it should present a resolution in Geneva  as it was going to break its promise.

He said it was the government which had assured the international community, including the UNHRC that it will come up with a political solution based on the 13th Amendment.

 The leader of the opposition said that the government would be putting the country in a disadvantageous position if it went back on its word.

 “It is the Sri Lankan people who are going to suffer if the country is penalised for giving false assurances if the government goes ahead and repeals the 13th Amendment,’ he said.

Mr Wickremsinghe said if the independent commissions such as the police commission and independent public service commission were re introduced, all the other issues pertaining to the 13th Amendment would be resolved.

Mr. Wickremsinghe said this prior to signing a public petition to save the 13th Amendment to the Constitution at Fort Railway station today.(Yohan Perera and Ajith Siriwrdana)
