Video: India will be isolated if PM skips CHOGM-SL

24 October 2013 01:53 pm Views - 6503

Sri Lankan High Commissioner Prasad Kariyawasam has said that India will be isolated if Prime Minister Manmohan Singh doesn't attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

This came as the Tamil Nadu Assembly passed a resolution asking the Prime Minister not to attend the meet in Sri Lanka. Speaking to CNN-IBN, Kariyawasam said, "If PM Singh doesn't go, we have to think about who it will affect. Who will be isolated? Every other country barring Canada is attending.

So those who don't attend will be in isolation." "The Tamil Nadu Assembly is uninformed on the status of Tamils and eventually, the decision on PM Singh's visit is prerogative of Indian government only," he added.

The resolution passed unanimously by the Tamil Nadu Assembly says no Indian representative should must attend the meet and that Sri Lanka should be suspended from the Commonwealth until Sri Lankan Tamils are granted independence. Many Tamil Nadu politicians including Shipping Minister GK Vasan have been pushing for India to boycott the meeting. (IBNLive)