Inquiries about camels

21 December 2010 04:30 pm Views - 9496

The Livestock Development Ministry had made inquiries about the prices of camels in Middle-Eastern countries through the Sri Lankan diplomatic missions, Deputy Minister H.R. Mithrapala said.

Mr. Mithrapala, during the budget debate earlier this month, said that the government decided to farm camels and ostriches in Sri Lanka.

Accordingly, he said that inquiries were made about the prices of camels in some countries such as Saudi Arabia. “I personally contacted the Sri Lankan Embassy in Saudi Arabia. Prices of camels are very high. Anyway, we will get a detailed report very soon,” he said.

Asked for the reason to farm these animals in Sri Lanka, he said that the government expected an increase of tourists from Arabic countries in the future and therefore, their favored food items such as camel milk should be made available for them in the island.

“There should also be diversity in livestock industry,” he said. (Kelum Bandara)