Monkey invades US compound

4 January 2013 08:05 am Views - 6212

A monkey, which ‘invaded’ the US Embassy compound in Colombo on December 20, had eventually left the next day after spending 24-hours within the high security area.

A spokesman for the US Embassy said they were greeted by the sight of the invading visitor which refused to leave the compound despite repeated pleas by the staffers.

Among those who had tried to convince the monkey to leave were said to have been burly US Marines and Sri Lankan security officers on duty at the premises.
“He left the next day by jumping to the adjoining compound. Sri Lanka’s wildlife officials also helped in the ‘evacuation’ process,” he also confirmed.

Meanwhile, The Washington Post quoting State Department Press Office Acting Director Chris Hensman said that the unexpected guest had gotten stuck in the building’s ventilation system. “The visitor eventually departed the building safely and unharmed after a 24-hour ad­ven­ture,” he said. “We thank the Sri Lanka Wildlife Department for their help with humanely resolving this issue.”(HF)